Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Picasa Web Albums - Gecko - New Album 1/1... - DSC00124.JPG

Bob's Blog has tagged me with the following rules(psst: Bob, this is too much like work- I'm a slacker)

Post a picture or make/take/create your own that captures what YOU are most passionate for students to learn about.

Give your picture a short title.

Title your blog post “Meme: Passion Quilt.”

Link back to this blog entry.

Include links to 5 (or more) educators.
The first is Bob himself who writes about the
The Poor Me Epidemic
Then there is a teacher, worthy of your time and trust, Robert Godwin at One Cosmos who shines a light on those mind parasites that can trip us up especially if we are unaware of them. Plus he is funny and sure can write. From his March 25th post:
"A mind parasite is essentially an internalized lie that takes on a pseudo-life of its own. I believe the term is an accurate one, for it is meant to convey the idea that a vital lie that lodges itself in the psyche is not static, but takes on the characteristics of the host, so to speak. I remember once discussing this with my analyst. I don't remember the exact context of the problem I was whining about, but he said words to the effect of, "What do you expect? It's as smart as you are."

In other words, the mind parasite has available to it all of the elaborate machinery of the mind. Therefore, it can easily justify itself, elaborate itself, gang up on the truth, intimidate healthier parts of the psyche. It's like a dictator who uses legitimate means to come to power, but then corruptly uses all of the levers of power to stay there and eliminate opponents.

Those who are in thrall to the lie are by definition slaves. While they may enjoy a subjective sense of freedom, it is an illusion. In fact, they have forfeited their freedom and are attached to a monstrous demon that they have generated out of their own psychic substance, in the same way that a spider weaves a web out of its own body".
Here is Zombie (for those who like visual aids to learning) covering the love and peace five year anniversary of the Iraq war protest. Here are some American examples of embedded mind parasites in the prosperous American city of San Francisco exercising their right to freedom of speech fought for and defended by our brave military. Then, of course, there is Students for Academic Freedom started by David Horowitz of Front Page who dealt with the mind parasites that were embedded in his red diaper (communist) upbringing when, like Paul on the road to Damascus, came to his senses and realized his life was a lie which he documents in his book "Radical Son". His dedication to shining the light is manifested in the great work he is doing to fight for this country with the mighty pen.
Sure would be nice if I knew what I was doing. Back to the SLACK!


julie said...

Cool album, Gecko!

Gecko said...

Thanks for stopping by Julie, I'm loving your pix too!

QP said...

Wonderful photos in "Life's Road". -o.o-

Gecko said...

Hey qp, nice to see ya!

Bob's Blog said...

I apologize, but not too much, because I learned about mind parasites.