Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Watch this to nourish your soul with thanks to Vanderleun for sharing it with all.

YouTube - Gloucester Cathedral Choir - In the Bleak Midwinter


Mizz E said...

One of the most moving offerings of the season.

Chloe said...

I agree, so moving. Love~

Anonymous said...

It touches that almost medieval longing for the abatement of the doubts ,a battle for faith triumphant, waged both in the granitic cathedrals and outside in the watery sun of market day,with its commerce and life force.The sweet voices rising to celebrate the birth of the Messiah,the Christ child, stir in, bosoms of the faithful, the longing for , what , unity with the church. In this time it is a great comfort.

Joan of Argghh! said...

I miss being in the choir...

This was lovely. Thanks!

robinstarfish said...

Pure food for the soul.