Friday, May 23, 2008

lgf: Terror T-Shirt Merchant Answers Critics

Ahh, more eloquence and charm from Urban Outfitters who I have posted about a couple of times.
lgf: Terror T-Shirt Merchant Answers Critics: "Terror T-Shirt Merchant Answers Critics

Fri, May 23, 2008 at 4:09:04 pm PST

The maker of that T-shirt that Urban Outfitters was selling (they’ve since dropped it from their catalog), with pictures of Palestinian children brandishing weapons under a peace dove and the slogan “Victimized,” has a very special message for LGF readers and others who criticized his sick piece of trash, at FRESHJIVE.

His thoughtful opinion piece ranges from foreign policy and the Arab-Israeli conflict, to the need for respectful dialog...

Respectful dialog between people who disagree is essential to the health of a democratic culture.

... and the need for LGF readers to perform anatomical impossibilities:

But if you’re gonna come at me with spinned out moronic accusations, I’ll just respond to you in the same assinine way, and that will be to tell you to go f*ck yourself.

Peace out!"

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