Saturday, April 05, 2008

My little blog is too time consuming on the computer that resides in the slackatorium on the sea so until that situation is remedied I suggest to my seven readers that you go peruse the writers I've told you to read like Dr.Robert Godwin and Petey at One Cosmos and Vanderleun over at American Digest.
I have some serious slacking to catch up on and the painfully slow computer here cuts in on that. And, there are other good writers to read if you scroll down to the links like the cyberwarriors, for example. As one of my favs, Joan of Arrggh
might say," Do I have to do everything for you people?"


USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

Hey Gecko!
I'll miss you! I know what you mean about how time consuming blogging is, so I do understand...but I'll miss you!

I do hope to see you in the comments of our mutual stompin' grounds. :^)

Make the extra slack count, okay? And above all else...have fun!
God bless you for bein' a voice for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness.
Wether as a blogger or as a commenter you make a difference!

I know you have encouraged me!
Thanks Gecko! :^)

Gecko said...
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Gecko said...

Thanks Ben,for your kind thoughts! I will take your advice about making that slack time count and have an extra amount of fun in the delicious warm ocean just for the Washingtonians who are having to live through the horrors of global warming.